
One Unified view for all your data

the Smart way to Track and manage your Work Data

Dashboard is the heart of XQ, where groups stay safe. Dashboard enables groups to be productive and secure from anywhere. All your encrypted communications are easily accessible, keeping to aware and compliant with minimal effort. Dashboard’s access controls and key management let you scale data-centric protection across your sensitive workflows on everything from email to smart cities.



Why use XQ Dashboard?

Using Dashboard helps keep your data safe. Dashboard is a simple tool where a team manages all its XQ encrypted communications and XQ API usage. Dashboard doesn’t hold your data, but it tracks what happens to your data out in the world and lets you know who, what and where your data is read.

When your teammate, employee, or the customer sends and receives an XQ email from one of our products, it is tracked in the activity and communications sections for easy security and compliance.



track Where your Emails and documents are read

  • Get immediate alerts

  • Track the document location

  • 100% verifiable read receipt confirmation 


Manage Access To Data Inside And Outside Your Company

  • Stop phishing attacks

  • Revoke messages or user access


Easily Stay Compliant

  • Export keys to own your data

  • Meets NIST 800-171 CUI, CMMC, ITAR, GDPR, CCPA & HIPAA Message Compliance

  • Simple unlock and search of secure data

SMART Communications management

The dashboard is where a team manages all their encrypted communications and API usage.

The core responsibilities of the workspace are:

  • Team provisioning

  • Encryption activity monitoring

  • Encryption key export

  • Unlocking and managing encrypted data

The core purpose of these responsibilities are, respectively:

  • Control data access and establish an extended secure network that extends outside an organization to include vendors and customers

  • Real-time threat assessment and endpoint activity tracking

  • Data ownership. Own your encryption keys and remove them from XQ management

  • Audit and compliance management

Data Blind

XQ won't read your data because we never have your data. The encrypted content stays within your existing service (i.e., Gmail), and we provide the logic to encrypt and decrypt the messages.

Cross-Worksuite Collaboration

XQ Message enables your workforce to collaborate and innovate safely in the applications they already use. XQ is deeply integrated into your current worksuite, protecting data as it is shared across unknown environments.

File Protection

Track encrypted file attachments and know if and when they are read or tampered with. Perhaps you are sending an invoice or a contract. Do you need 100% verifiability that the recipient received and opened the attachment? With XQ you can see who opened your file, when, and where, giving you unprecedented power and control over your files.

Secure Bubble

Use XQ to build a secure bubble for colleagues, clients, vendors, and third parties. With encrypted messaging, you can be sure that your data are safe and secure. All of your invoices, contracts, and documents can be securely exchanged. Further, encrypted messages can be used as a verified channel to prevent phishing attacks and establish message provenance.

By adding teammates you ensure that all the secure communication between your teammates is verified and safe. Add colleagues, employees, vendors, and customers to create a secure bubble for remote work safety.


Dashboard allows you a few very powerful control tools. You can revoke access to a message, file, or any encrypted data with the press of a button. You can also remove a teammate and thereby revoke their access to all of your team’s sensitive data. Give it a try to see how it works.