ITAR / EAR Compliance for Communications and Data Transfer Protection

XQ’s data-centric protection and flexible policy management capabilities prevent non-US Persons from accessing International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Export Administration Regulation (EAR) regulated data throughout communication and cloud data workflows.

ITAR Regulations


ITAR regulations state that only the U.S. Persons can access items on the USML list unless otherwise authorized. ITAR exists to protect national security by preventing the military and defense-sensitive technical data from falling into the wrong hands. 

US Companies and Persons are prohibited from sharing ITAR technical data with foreign employees unless the release of the tech data is authorized.

The US government strongly recommends a compliance program that allows companies to ensure their compliance through documentation, tracking, monitoring, and auditing of shipments and transfers of Defense Articles. 

ITAR noncompliance can result in significant brand and reputation damage as well as heavy fines. In egregious cases, the company may even lose the privilege to export US goods or see the incarceration of those criminally involved.

Enable ITAR Technical Data Compliance for data stored and shared via Gmail and Outlook, Forms, chat, support, File Sharing and Hybrid Data Transfer


Gaps in cloud security limit compliance capabilities and visibility for manufacturing, aerospace, and defense organizations with ITAR technical data. 

XQ unlocks the cloud’s efficiency and saves valuable man-hours and resources by simplifying ITAR technical data transfer via communications and the XQ Gateway Hybrid VPN alternative. 

The ITAR Encryption Carve Out establishes that defense companies can now share unclassified ITAR technical data without requiring an export license. They can do this so long as the data is properly secured with end-to-end encryption and the decryption keys “are not provided to any third party“.

The ITAR Encryption Carve Out Rule states that:

  • Cryptographic protection must be applied prior to data being sent outside of the originator’s security boundary and remain undisturbed until it arrives within the security boundary of the intended recipient. This means encrypting data prior to emailing or sharing it.

  • Encryption must be certified by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) as compliant with the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 (FIPS 140-2), or meet or exceed a 128-bit security strength.

  • Information that can decrypt (access) may not share the technical data with a third party (such as a cloud or email provider).

  • Data can not be stored in 22 CFR 120.54(5) restricted countries such as Russia

With end-to-end encryption providing a unique key for every data object, enforceable policy access controls, and customer-controlled key management capabilities, XQ helps prevent foreign access to technical data in the cloud.

Simplify ITAR / EAR Compliant Digital Supply Chain Workflows

  • True Privacy

    Prevent foreign entities, hackers, cyber-spies, and cloud vendors from accessing data or the keys protecting it with end-to-end encryption providing a unique key for every data object and customer-controlled keys.

  • Compliance

    Ensure only the intended recipients can read private consumer data. Meet ITAR compliance requirements with end-to-end encryption preventing unauthorized access to email, chat, support, forms, files and data in flight to the cloud and throughout its lifecycle.

  • Chain of Custody Visibility Across Environments

    Each interaction with your data, whether it is IoT, CCTV, email, or chat, is logged with who, where, and when the access was attempted. XQ provides a complete auditable trail.

  • Secure Sharing

    As private consumer data is shared across cloud environments and disparate networks, XQ keeps it secure with continuous protection and lets you govern access throughout the data lifecycle.

  • Ease of Use

    XQ is the easiest way to have digitally secure workflows and to extend that security to customers, vendors, and coworkers. XQ is layer on security and control that works where you already work.

  • Data Control

    Your data is most at risk after it leaves your possession. With XQ, you retain the ability to know what happens to your data, revoke access to it or reprovision it with granular access controls for Data Lifecycle Management.

  • On-Prem to Hybrid Cloud Data Transfer

    XQ Secure Gateway is the most secure, scalable, and simple to maintain offering for a completely auditable trail of your micro-segmented data wherever it travels. For the first time, connect GCP, AWS, and Azure seamlessly and compliantly for new powerful workflows.

    For the first time, GCP, AWS, and Azure can be connected seamlessly while maintaining compliance and allowing you to unlock new and powerful workflows.

  • Data Residency

    XQ uniquely geolocates each data access request. This also means XQ can geofence data. This is the only solution providing geofencing at the data level for ITAR compliance. With XQ data stays where it is supposed to and doesnt go where it shouldn’t. XQ’s unique geofencing capabilities support ITAR regulation 22 CFR 122.5 to prevent storage in Russia and other proscribed countries.

  • Key Management

    XQ offers flexible hosting, including SaaS, Private Cloud, and On-Prem deployments to give you complete data provenance. Host your XQ Key and Policy Node so unauthorized parties can never access your data.

Simplified Data Record Keeping

XQ addresses record keeping requirements for data by logging every security interaction. XQ supports customer requirements for tech data transfers that they couldn’t by relying on spreadsheets and employees regulating email attachments themselves.

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