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Cybersecurity Trends for 2022: Trends to look out for in the new year

Cyber risks will continue to increase in 2022. Part of this increase is due to the digitization of banking, education, and even healthcare services, all of which were radically accelerated due to the pandemic. The purpose of cyberattacks is simple: to steal, change or leverage information for personal benefit. Such trends will continue to be catastrophic for governments, enterprises, and people alike. 

Let’s explore some common trends going into 2022: 

Cyberattacks and Remote Work 

Working remotely will increase cyber attacks targeting Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Breaches will increase in 2022 with the continued rise of remote work. Sending emails, messages, and video conferencing meetings creates constant communication between devices and cloud storage services. Intercepting communication between devices is the simplest way hackers can infiltrate networks and access every device and data point. People were never trained to protect themselves online- some have the same password for every account or click on predatory links online. This reality will make those working from home vulnerable to hackers ready to steal private data such as financial information. 

State-Sponsored Spyware

Authoritarian and democratic regimes sponsor cyber attacks against other states, organizations, and individuals. The purpose of the attacks is to gain access to sensitive information and spy on critical individuals. Amnesty International reports that spyware is on the rise as governments are hiring firms to install spyware targeting journalists, politicians, and other organizations with ​​“complete access to the device’s messages, emails, media, microphone, camera, calls and contacts” (Computerworld). State-sponsored attacks are becoming alarming, especially those targeting human rights activists and democracies. 

Increasing Attacks on Cryptocurrencies

Hackers will continue finding new ways to steal financial assets. Cryptocurrency is becoming adopted on a larger scale as it offers decentralized services. Hackers are finding clever ways of stealing crypto, such as accessing flaws in security protocols or creating fake hardware wallets. In 2021 one of the biggest heists took place as hackers stole $200 million worth of crypto from Bitmart, and this trend will continue in 2022 (NBC News).

Attacks Against Smartphones to Increase 

Hacking smartphones will continue to be the fastest-growing form of cyberattacks. More than 5 billion people worldwide have phones without the proper training of being safe online. There are various cyber risks associated with smartphones: Application-security threats, web-based, and network security. As reliability on smartphones continues to increase- in banking systems, storing sensitive information, and interacting with others- hackers are finding ways to steal and sell PII to the highest bidders.

Rise of Misinformation 

Misinformation is the act of deliberately spreading false information to misinform to misguide a group of people. Cyber Groups use misinformation to influence public action on topics ranging from politics to financial decisions. The spread of misinformation will continue as social media companies continue grappling with regulations and ways to ethically secure platforms to prevent misinformation without risking violating certain freedoms such as freedom of speech.

These are some common trends we expect to continue in 2022. As digitization continues changing how we communicate and how transactions take place, cyber risks will continue to increase. Regulations and education have to catch up to the increasing cyber threats. To learn more about our dedication to protecting governments, companies, and people, visit https://xqmsg.co/privacy-compliance

We want to work with you! We work with managed service providers, enterprises in the (legal, healthcare, financial sector), and website developers to provide our solutions to your cybersecurity needs. Please reach out to us support@xqmsg.com

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