
One Unified view for all your data

the Smart way to Track and manage your Work Data

Dashboard is the heart of XQ, where groups stay safe. Dashboard enables groups to be productive and secure from anywhere. All your encrypted communications are easily accessible, keeping to aware and compliant with minimal effort. Dashboard’s access controls and key management let you scale data-centric protection across your sensitive workflows on everything from email to smart cities.



Why use XQ Dashboard?

Using Dashboard helps keep your data safe. Dashboard is a simple tool where a team manages all its XQ encrypted communications and XQ API usage. Dashboard doesn’t hold your data, but it tracks what happens to your data out in the world and lets you know who, what and where your data is read.

When your teammate, employee, or the customer sends and receives an XQ email from one of our products, it is tracked in the activity and communications sections for easy security and compliance.


Data Control

XQ offers comprehensive support for cloud data compliance management, ensuring adherence to regulatory frameworks such as GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and others. Here's how XQ accomplishes this:

Monitoring and Control of Data Journeys: XQ allows you to monitor and retain control over every data journey, enabling you to oversee data beyond the boundaries of a single environment. This ensures visibility and governance throughout the data lifecycle.

Compliance Across Environments: XQ ensures compliance policies are bound to every individual data object across its journey, regardless of the environment it traverses. This consistent application of compliance policies enhances data protection and regulatory adherence.

Access Control at Record Level: XQ facilitates easy management of access control at the record level. Integration with Active Directory enables role-based data access control, enhancing security and compliance measures.

Holistic Chain of Custody: XQ establishes a holistic chain of custody for data, ensuring forensic-level audit trails that log who, when, and where data is accessed across its journey. This level of visibility aids in compliance audits and investigations.

Data Sovereignty and Residency: XQ supports data sovereignty and residency requirements by offering data localization and access that is not tied to data residency. This flexibility ensures compliance with regulations regarding data sovereignty.

Ransomware Extortion and Data Breach Protection: XQ provides protection against ransomware extortion and data breaches, mitigating risks associated with non-compliance resulting from data breaches or unauthorized access.

Adherence to NIST Standards: XQ is built on NIST standards, providing automated governance and compliance capabilities aligned with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.

Automated Secrets Management and Data Loss Prevention: XQ automates secrets management and data loss prevention measures, establishing a secure chain of custody for every data record. This simplifies compliance efforts and enhances data security.